Supporting Military Families San Antonio (SMF.SA)

The Greater San Antonio Chamber is proud to introduce the Supporting Military Families San Antonio (SMFSA) initiative. This groundbreaking effort aims to enhance the quality of life for military personnel and their loved ones, focusing on key priorities identified by senior military leaders and families.

SMFSA will secure support and connect valuable existing resources to address critical needs such as healthcare accessibility, military spouse employment, and servicemember transition into the civilian workforce. In response to feedback from our community leaders and military families, we have two initial primary focus areas – Healthcare and Military Spouse Support. Partners will pledge to support military families by:


  • Committing to offering access to quality, affordable healthcare for military families.
  • Simplifying the healthcare delivery system to ensure easy access to specialized care outside of military installations.

Military Spouse Support:

  • Empowering hiring managers and supervisors to recognize and leverage the unique strengths of military spouses in the workforce to offer competitive career opportunities. Providing information on the benefits of hiring military spouses and resources to facilitate their recruitment and integration into the workforce.



  • Support improvements in accessibility, quality, and affordability of childcare for military families.
  • Collaborate as a partner between the military and civilian community organizations to expand available resources and support networks to military families seeking childcare solutions.